Pitney Bowes Inc.

Tips From a Pitney Bowes Recruiter

Tips From a Pitney Bowes Recruiter

Below is an article originally written by Kate Cabiltes Senior Talent Advisor, Executive Recruitment and published by Pitney Bowes in their company blog. Go to Pitney Bowes' company page on PowerToFly to see their open positions and learn more.

Pitney Bowes Talent Advisors have a wealth of knowledge about recruiting, career advice and the job search process. They provide great perspective from their time working with candidates, hiring managers and Human Resources across Pitney Bowes.

What advice would you give someone approaching a career change?

When considering a career change, it's important to understand what a day in the life will truly entail. The best way to get this "insider information" is to network! There is a wealth of knowledge out there in the form of training (Lynda, LinkedIn Learning, etc.) but utilizing your network to connect with professionals in your area of interest will be invaluable as well. Scheduling calls or coffee meetings with friends or acquaintances in the space will allow you to pick their brain and get some candid advice to understand how you can best utilize your skills in that line of work. You can also better prepare yourself for potential challenges by hearing about their past experiences.

What are the most important questions a candidate can ask in an interview to set themselves apart from the competition?

It's impressive to see not only that a candidate has "done their homework" on the company but that they are thinking about the role and what they would do to create impact. This can be done by linking the two. For example if you are seeing that a team is doing massive amount of hiring you can think about how this might affect the role or company and ask questions accordingly.

What advice would you give a recent college graduate starting their job search?

Be proactive! In addition to applying, be sure to follow up. Sending a message to the recruiter connected to the job on LinkedIn won't always get a response but you have nothing to lose. Reaching out to a mutual contact of you and the recruiter or hiring manager for an introduction or recommendation is another option. Going that extra mile to show your interest in the job and the company doesn't always go unnoticed so take the time to do that extra follow up. Also, be gracious. Following up with a thank you note after someone takes the time to meet or speak with you to express your appreciation and enthusiasm for the potential opportunity is recommended. This quick but thoughtful effort can set you apart.

Explain the importance of highlighting applicable and transferable skills when approaching a stretch position; new career/position; internship or first position after college.

Everyone has a unique set of skills and experiences and it's your job to market yourself to show how you can best fit the role if you really want it. If you aren't able to check all the boxes in terms of the requirements, find another experience or skill that is relevant and could still add value. Also, think about roles you may have gone into in the past where you had a learning curve. Think about what you had to learn or even teach yourself to fully get up to speed in that job. How could you do that again in this next role?

Any other advice?

Remember that you are ultimately responsible for your career growth and development. It's important to have a network and a mentor but remember that it's up to you to keep learning, networking, and challenging yourself. If you aren't feeling challenged ask yourself what you can do to change that. Use downtime to ramp up on skills that need sharpening. There are so many online and networking resources out there to take advantage of!

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